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Magneson according to MANN (dolomite detection)

Magneson according to MANN, a ready-to-use solution for dolomite detection, has its field of application mainly in histology, cytology, materialography and geology. The solution consists of distilled water, sodium hydroxide and magneson. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) acts as a strong alkali, while magneson, chemically P-nitrophenyl phosphate (PNPP), serves as a pH indicator.

The reactions involve the binding of magneson to magnesium ions, with the magneson taking on a blue coloration. This is evidence for the presence of dolomite (MgCa(CO3)2) or magnesite (MgCO3). A sample containing magnesite will result in a blue coloration. Smithsonite (ZnCO3), on the other hand, shows up uncolored to minimally blue.

The examination begins with pretreatment of the sample by wetting with 10% HCl, followed by drizzling on a few drops of the magnesone solution. A color change to blue within 30 seconds indicates the presence of MgO.

Article no.: 18455

Dolomite detection in carbonates

  •   Container size and order number Net price Amount
    Magneson according to MANN (dolomite detection) - 100 ml
    Order number: 18455.00100
    15,45 €
    Magneson according to MANN (dolomite detection) - 250 ml
    Order number: 18455.00250
    23,02 €
    Magneson according to MANN (dolomite detection) - 500 ml
    Order number: 18455.00500
    39,22 €
    Magneson according to MANN (dolomite detection) - 1.000 ml
    Order number: 18455.01000
    58,39 €
    Magneson according to MANN (dolomite detection) - 2.500 ml
    Order number: 18455.02500
    122,03 €

Important Information

UN-Nummer: 0000

Lagerung: 15 … 25 °C

Haltbarkeit: 6 Monate

safety data sheet

product information

Relevant Ingredients:
• Sodium hydroxide
• Azo violet

Technical informations


Instructions / Protocol / Recommendations


Nachweis von Dolomit in Gestein

Hazard and safety instructions